Technoarete Transactions on Recent Research in Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (TTRRPBS)
is a double blinded, peer-reviewed, open-access International Journal published by Technoarete Publishing. This journal aims to serve as a platform for practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, managers and academicians to share their research knowledge in various areas of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences - Work Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Spatial Cognition, School Psychology, Educational Psychology, Psychology and the Law, Positive Psychology, Language Psychology, Thought Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuropsychology, Brain Science, Computational Psychology, Social Psychology, Psycho- pedagogy, Psychological Research Methodology, Political Psychology, Neurological Psychology of Mind and Brain, Conceptual Systems, Developmental Psychology, Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, Applied Social Psychology, Statistical Inference, Learning Theory, Cultural Psychology, Business Psychology, Psychology in Economics, Psychological Assessment, Perceptual Organization in vision, Neurobiology, Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Learning Complex Motor Tasks, Cognition and Action, Sport Psychology, Sensory System, Perception, Psychology and Societal Development, Forensic Psychology.
Technoarete Transactions on Recent Research in Psychology and Behavioural Sciences(TTRRPBS), include but are not confined to the following topics