Submitted manuscripts are first screened by the editorial staff for completeness and to determine if the manuscript meets the general criteria for the journal. The Editor will decide to: (a) send the manuscript out for double blind review, (b) request initial revisions prior to the double-blind review process, or (c) reject the manuscript.
Peer Review
Each manuscript passing initial plagiarism will be subjected to rigorous and anonymous peer-review by a minimum of 2 peer reviewers. Referees who review a manuscript remain unknown to the authors. The journal’s independent status ensures a submission acceptance rate based on merit and not favor, bias, or personal preference. All the reviewers send the editor a detailed report with their comments on the manuscript and their recommendation. Authors receive reviewers’ recommendation by the editorial staff and they never enter in contact with reviewers. Reviewers have to complete their reviews within 2-3 weeks. For papers which require revision, the editor will make sure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.
Every manuscript that is submitted to the Technoarete Transactions on Electrical Vehicles and Automotive systems journal and successfully passes the preliminary screening process, will be then subject to a meticulous, uncompromising, and completely anonymous peer-review process by at least two peer reviewers. The identity of the author of the manuscript will remain unknown to the reviewers and vice versa. This is to ensure that the Technoarete Transactions on Electrical Vehicles and Automotive systems journal policy of entirely merit-based publication, by which only the most authentic, relevant, and pioneering research articles are accepted and chosen for publication, is carried out. There will be no room for any compromises in the form of decisions taken as a result of favours, partialities, and biases at Technoarete Transactions on Electrical Vehicles and Automotive systems. The editorial committee at Technoarete Transactions on Electrical Vehicles and Automotive systems serves as the intermediary between the reviewing committee and the authors, to ensure that there is no contact between the two throughout the reviewing and publication process. The reviewing committee is given a period of two to three weeks to undertake and carry out their reviews. In the case of manuscripts that have been sent back for edits and revisions, the editorial committee carries out an assessment to ensure that all requested changes have been made by the author before deeming the manuscript as acceptable.