The sole purpose of the Ethical Standards for Publication is to ensure -
The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) strictly adheres to its Code of Conduct and aims to ensure the out-and-out implementation of its Best Practice Guidelines.
Every single manuscript that is submitted to be considered for publication at the TTRACDF journal is subject to the peer-review process and expected to live up to the standards of academic excellence in research that TTRACDF aspires to.
Submitted manuscripts that are deemed acceptable by the editorial committee are subject to a peer-review process in which the identities of the reviews remain completely unknown to the authors.
Adherence to Publication Ethics is a pledge taken by research journals, which aims at making no room for the moral boundaries and capacities of research journals.
Every manuscript is constantly adjusted and modified until complete conformity to the Standard Ethics prescribed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and the Publication Principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), is achieved.
Note 1: Publishing an article is not known as acceptance of its contents by journal.
Note 2: Do not write the statement of “Gift Authorship” and do not omit the statement of “Ghost Authorship”.
Author(s) should avoid the research and publication misconduct. If some cases of research and publication misconduct occur within each step of submission, review, edition or publication, journals have the right to legal action. The cases are listed as below:
Reviewers must consider the followings:
1. “Standard Ethics”, approved by Vice-Presidency for Research & Technology, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
2. Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE Code of Conduct,