4th International Conference on Food and Nutrition


Event Starts On

Conference Organizer : IFERP

4th International Conference on Food and Nutrition

Paper Submission Journals/Publications

Journals/Publications : The research articles of the conference will be published in SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Springer Journals

BioLEAGUES and Universal Society of Food and Nutrition is excited to invite all the experts, professionals, officials, practitioners, researchers, experimenters, scholars and others from different parts of the world, who are in the field of Food and Nutrition industries to participate in 4th International Conference on Food and Nutrition, scheduled to be held on the 23rd -24th September 2021 in Singapore.This conference is promised to grant delegates extensive prolific networking opportunities and educational activities.

Your Friends:

Zoom & See the Conference List

Early Bird Deadline June 30th, 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline June 25th, 2021
Registration Deadline September 09th, 2021
Category & Type Medical Conference
Conference Website https://www.foodandnutritionconference.com/
Contacts +91-9087388638
Email :[email protected]
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